For Those Who Needs a Wake-Up Call

Atakan Çavuşlu
3 min readDec 28, 2021

It was not a rainy Sunday evening, but still, it was one of the lowest points of my life when a mysterious man came and told me things that made me wake up and move on.

It doesn’t matter how I met the guy, or what he looks like. The advice I got felt like divine intervention, similar to how angels help guide lost souls.

Anyways, instead of bothering you with the non-interesting details, here’s the advice he gave me that changed everything:

Your problems are not at all unique

The man tells, what I was going through is nothing new. I object that…

“You have no clue about what’s going on in my mind,” I say.

“And? Everybody has problems, everybody thinks theirs is the biggest. At some point in their lives, everyone got some level of anxiety or depression. But oh, that’s right, you must be special!”

Hard to argue…

Noone really cares about your sad story

Often times it feels like people do care when you share your story.

“Do you really think people have time to listen to your sob story?”

“We all got them stories. We all want people to hear them, listen to them, and show some sympathy. Well, it’s not gonna happen, man.”

The more you tell a negative story, the more you make it hold you back and the more you make it hard to get past it.

The man reminded me this fact harshly:

“You are 1 of 8 billion people on this planet.” The point is, maybe I am not that significant as I used to think. None of us are. Billions of people come here, to Earth. And, again, billions of them exit.

You see, the math is against you.

If there were only a bunch of us people living here on this planet, then your painful situation might have mattered more. But, there are not. Earth is already full of people with their own problems. Instead of hearing your problem, they would rather hear solutions.

No one is gonna save you

The guy told me this exactly 4 times in our conversation. Hollywood reinforces the idea of heroes in our society. It is fiction.

Nobody will hold your hand and lift you from your rock bottom. If they do, you would not learn the lessons you should, and soon enough you would find yourself right back where you were.

Save yourself.

You will be forgotten sooner than you thought

What happens after you die?

“It will take two years and then you will be forgotten. You will become a distant memory” the man reminded me.

Your photos and memories will sit on some people’s computer folders that they never open up. People will move on. Wounds will be healed after a couple of years. New lives will be born to replace the lost ones.

In 100 years, you will for sure not be remembered at all. What you are going through right now feels less significant when the time is running out.

Unfortunately, people we love don't remember us for long. We may at least have them remember us while we are still here.

We are here only for a limited time, stop wasting it

“Our time here on this rock is pretty precious,” the strange man told me.

The time we wasted can never be brought back. All we have is now. Yesterday is already gone, and tomorrow is not that guaranteed.

Live today.

The Bottomline

No advice is absolute truth. I still disagree with some of the things the strange man told me. But what he did was wake me up from my sleep.

I never saw him again.

Maybe there was never a man there in the first place. The truth is, there is always someone who cares about you, just not as much as you think.

Don’t leave behind unfinished business or loose ends. Keep the action going.

